Animatic storyboard project- The Farewell




Some notes about the project:

This is a task about creating a short story for an animatic storyboard that lasts for 20 sec. I decided to create something light-hearted so I came up with this story idea. Here’s the sum up of the story in case the animatic is rushing and you have no idea what you just watched is about:

[ There was a little bird with his cage door never closed. One day he decided it’s his time to leave the house to be back with nature. When he was about to leave, he turned back to the house to check if everything is alright since his master is a very old grandma. He flew to her bedroom, gave her a teary hug. Before flying away, he saw a wool ball and decided to use it to tie a ribbon around her pinky finger as a farewell gift. After he flew away, the grandma woke up and looked at the window. She knew from the beginning there will be a day when her little bird wants its own independent life, that’s why she never closed the cage door.]

Work was firstly sketched with pencil then finalised by PS.

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